The no gym, no equipment 5 minute workout

| Posted on Monday, March 22, 2010

As you can see, for the majority of this workout I am in some form of the "plank" position. This is because I am working my abdominal muscles. "What?" you say, "how dare you not do crunches!"
Crunches only work the superficial rectus abdominas muscles, otherwise known as the "six pack". But there are four layers to the abdominal wall most of which are not affected by crunches.
Did you know the innermost layer, the transversus abdominus, forms a sheath of muscle wrapping around your entire midsection? Properly trained, it tightens like a corset thereby keeping your posture tall, your back strong and supported and your waist tight and small.
This muscle cannot be trained by crunches or sit-ups. It can only be trained isometrically. This means, holding the muscle in a contracted position without movement for prolonged periods, often while other movements are performed on top.
This is why I do the plank, I am isometrically training those deeper layers of abdominal muscle. This is the only way to a tight, strong, lean mid-section.

Note to moms: This is the only way to get your stomach back. After pregnancy ab muscles are usually distended. Without the tightening of that interior corset, no amount of crunches or sit-ups will help. In fact, they may even make it worse, see here.

Comments (1)

Some may be difficult to use - Some steppers, especially the mini stepper, the side stepper and the twist stepper, may be a bit difficult to use. This is because it requires extra balance. fitness equipment

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